Maritime 2.0
Maritime 2.0 was introduced as an evolution of our existing REST APIs in 2020, as a response to the challenges in increasing data volume and quality. Maritime 2.0 was developed to be scalable.
Spire chose to leverage GraphQL technology instead of REST for this newly enhanced service as GraphQL offers the client the ability to describe the data and get exactly the data that is needed through the use of queries.
Ultimately, Spire Maritime 2.0 delivers state of the art vessel data infrastructure that enables customers to unlock the value of the data and provide access to vessel data from various data sources, such as AIS, with more sources such as Vessel Characteristics and routing services to come in the future.
Get started now
Download our open source Postman collection, drop in your access token and you will be making Maritime 2.0 API calls in seconds.
Don’t have a token yet? Request a trial
GraphQL Overview
GraphQL is an API technology developed by Facebook in 2015 and adopted over the world by top technological companies. In this guide we will show the benefits of GraphQL as a technology and also provide an overview of some powerful and advanced features of GraphQL query syntax. After this article you will understand what benefits GraphQL gives you as a customer as well as be able to use advanced features of GraphQL to power your queries.
GraphQL is an API technology which allows allows customers to query API in the requests. Contrary to REST where specific endpoints are used to identify the resource, the GraphQL exposes a single endpoint with a global GraphQL schema. GraphQL schema defines what is possible to query and underlying data types. Customers are sending queries against the schema to the GraphQL server as a POST request. You can query whatever you want using a single API endpoint (but according to the granted permissions) and the shape of the response will match the shape of the query.
For Spire, as data provider, the GraphQL gives following benefits:
- Integrated API – in one query you can query multiple data sources at once. For example, querying for the vessel you can get vessel characteristics, destination port, predicted route and so on. Such kind of API is impossible to create with REST approach.
- Single API endpoint – single endpoint
where all the operations are available. Integrating any new feature into GraphQL should be straightforward for Spire as well as for our customers. - Flexibility – in the long term GraphQL allows more flexibility than REST. At first, GraphQL supports queries, mutations, subscriptions out of the box, where subscriptions are really promising for the Maritime domain. Second, GraphQL schema could be evolved in a way to integrate various data sources.
- Documentation – GraphQL schema serves as live documentation for our API.
For you, as a customer, GraphQL gives a following benefits:
- Query only what you need – as a customer you can focus only on a subset of the data you need therefore reducing the amount of transferred data which will lead to better performance.
- Parallel queries – you might sent a query with a multiple root fields which will be resolved in parallel.
- Typesafe queries – all queries are validated against GraphQL schema and safe to execute.
- API Playground – at there is a GraphQL playground available where you can play and prototype query of any complexity.
GraphQL represents a massive leap forward for API development. Type safety, introspection, generated documentation, and predictable responses benefit both the data provider and customers of the API platform.
GraphQL playground
All samples queries can be executed in our GraphQL playground, where you also have access to interactive Docs and Schema pages.
Don’t have a token yet? Request a trial
Writing a query
To access the data through the Spire Maritime 2.0 API, you will need to execute a GraphQL query.
This query essentially asks for specific fields on one or more objects; in other words, a GraphQL query describes the shape of your data “graph”.
A query is generally structured based on the following outline:
Video tutorial: Running your first GraphQL query
This is how you put your token in Playground:
Named and unnamed queries
The basic GraphQL query to get mmsi
and name
for first 3 vessels might look like:
This is so-called unnamed query because query itself does not have his own name. Let’s compare with named query:
Named queries are more generic just because they can have a variables and variables can be passed to arguments:
To execute the query you need to provide query variables alongside with query as json:
On the network level named query with arguments are represented as extended version of POST
The more realistically looking example of the query with variables:
Renaming fields
It’s possible to change the name of the field in GraphQL. You can rename any field, at any level of the query.
The syntax for renaming is always newName: fieldName
for any field.
The response will look like:
You can change the name of the field in the query, but you can’t change structure of the query. For example, mmsi
will always be child of staticData
Multiple Root Fields
One query can contain multiple root fields. We need to use the renaming feature of GraphQL syntax to query multiple vessels
fields. The two root queries tankers
and cargo
will be executed in parallel, but response will come when both of them are resolved.
The response will look like:
- Each root query is resolved in parallel, but the entire result will come when all root queries will be resolved.
- If you query multiple root queries, you might need to deal with multiple pagination cursors. Each sub query will have an independent pagination cursor.
- Each root query counted once for rate limiter.
A fragment is a reusable piece of GraphQL query. For example, for some vessels you are interested in last position, but for another vessels you are interested in the current route:
You can see that staticData
part is duplicated across the queries and we can extract it to the fragment and reuse:
A fragment must be used within the query, otherwise a GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED
error will be returned.
You can have several fragments on one type and use them at the same time.
Usually when you query a field it has a single possible type. GraphQL unions are used to represent scenario scenarios when there are several possible return types for the same field.
For example, when you query predictedVesselRoute
, depending on the origin
argument, the route could start from a point or from a port. In the query only one of these branches will have a result depending how origin
is specified:
If the origin
is provided as unlocode then it will resolve to ... on Port
If the origin
is provided as coordinates then it will resolve to ... on GeoPoint
Will result in:
Making API calls
The Maritime 2.0 API uses Bearer tokens to authenticate requests. Attempting to make requests to the API without a valid API Key will result in the return of an error message.
In addition, to ensure transport layer security, all access or communication with the APIs must be made over HTTPS.
Not a Spire customer yet?
You’ll need a token to start using the API. Get in touch with our team to purchase an API plan or request a trial token.
All requests should contain following header:
Supported types
Default scalar types
- The Boolean scalar type represents
. Float
- The Float scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.
- The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values.
Int can represent values between-(2^31)
and2^31 - 1
. String
- The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences.
The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. ID
- The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to fetch an object or as the key for a cache.
The ID type is serialized in the same way as a String; however, defining it as an ID signifies that it is not intended to be human‐readable.
When expected as an input type, any string (such as"4"
) or integer (such as4
) input value will be accepted as an ID.
Maritime 2.0 scalar types
- Vessel’s IMO number
- Vessel’s MMSI number
- A date-time string at UTC, such as
, compliant with thedate-time
format outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar. GeoJsonPosition
- Represents a pair of coordinates in a decimal format:
[number, number]
- Geometry in a Well-Known Text format.
- UN/LOCODE as defined by the UNECE
The TimeDuration
We defined the TimeDuration
field to represent the time duration in various formats.
The type has 3 properties each representing a different format:
- Represents duration in ISO 8601 format; e.g.
represents 24 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds. seconds
- Represents duration in seconds
- represents duration in human-readable text, e.g.
Writing queries
To access the data, you will need to execute a query against the Spire Maritime 2.0 service.
Each query is mapped to a specific object type, and each object type has certain fields that can be included or excluded in the query schema to get the desired results.
For more information about each object type, please refer to the Output section of the Fundamentals page.
To filter the results returned in the query (ie. getting information for a specified list of MMSI or limiting results to a confined area of interest), you will need to specify arguments in parentheses next to the query name.
The queries below are intended to be run in the Playground environment:
Return all vessels globally
Sample of a query that returns all vessels globally.
The sample below includes some, but not all available fields:
Return partial fields for all vessels globally
In order to modify what fields are returned in the response, simply modify which fields you request in the request schema.
For example, if you would like to only get positional information about the vessels (no static information), you would use this sample query:
To further specify which data you would like returned in the response, you would add/delete the fields in the request schema.
It is important to note that for GraphQL queries you do not need to make multiple requests to access different resources.
For example, if you are only interested in the following fields:
fields- the vessel
, andimo
fields of thestaticData
type - the
, andtimestamp
of thelastPositionUpdate
type - all pagination-related fields from the
… the query schema would look like this:
There are two arguments in the query used for pagination:
Int- Identify how many elements per page you are requesting
String- Cursor value identifying position to continue pagination.
To query specific number of vessels provide a first argument to the query. The following example returns the first 10 vessels with the recent timestamp:
To enable pagination you need to provide a after argument to the query. The after
is equal to the endCursor
value from your most recent API request.
Thus, to determine the after
value, first make your initial query and request the endCursor
This should return results similar to:
Now that you have the endCursor
value of your last API request, use this value as the after
value in your next request.
The hasNextPage
value controls the pagination. If it’s false
than next page is not available and endCursor: null
You can pass arguments to fields in order to filter the API results. What you can filter on is determined by the query schema.
For example, in the vessels
query, the schema looks like this:
In the schema above, all the keywords (ie. mmsi
, imo
, etc.) are the arguments you can pass to the vessels query within the parenthesis.
For more information about arguments check out GraphQL’s documentation.
Filter by a specified MMSI list
Use the MMSI filter in the sample of a query to return data for a given MMSI list.
You can see in the sample query that an argument is used to filter on the vessels field, as denoted by the parentheses ()
next to vessels before the response schema is described in the curly brackets {}
Filter by long lists of MMSI
Maritime 2.0 GraphQL allows queries up to 10Kb in size. This means that it is in theory possible to query up to 10,000 IMO or MMSI numbers.
If you want to query information for a specific fleet of vessels identified by IMO number or MMSI number then it is possible to query up to 10,000 at a time.
The vessels
root query of Maritime 2.0 GraphQL will return up to 1,000 vessels per page of results, however using an advanced GraphQL technique to request multiple lists of vessels will potentially return more results in each combined result set.
The query below shows how to submit a query for 2,948 vessels filtered by imo
. A similar query structure can be used to query any list of IMO or MMSI numbers that you need to construct.
If you wanted to query a list of vessels by MMSI instead then you would simply replace the imo
list with an mmsi
list and the corresponding query filter.
Filter by AOI
Use the areaOfInterest
argument to filter the data using an AOI.
This could either be a GeoJSON or WKT formatted AOI (there is no need to include both geoJson AND WKT in the same request).
Filter by a specified callsign
Returns data for the vessel with the callsign of "BOAG9"
Filter by a specified vessel flag
Returns data for vessels with the flag of "US"
Filter by a specified IMO
Returns data for the vessel with the imo of 9538907
Filter by specified lastPositionUpdate
Returns data for vessels with last position updated between timestamps "2021-08-02T00:31:42.780Z"
and "2021-08-04T00:31:42.780Z"
Filter by specified lastUpdate
The lastUpdate
filter, added in August 2022 to Maritime 2.0, allows vessels to be queried for any update that was made within the filter time window.
is different from lastPositionUpdate
because it will also return vessels that have non positional updates in the period requested. This will allow for vessels with static data or voyage updates to be returned as well as those with positional updates.
Here is an example, comparing its use with that of the lastPositionUpdate
In the example above, requesting vessels with position updates returns an estimated 2208 vessels:
Let’s compare with the usage of the lastUpdate
In the example above, requesting vessels with any update returns a higher estimated number of 2667 vessels:
Filter by specified name
Returns data for vessels with a vessel name of "EAGLE"
Filter by specified shipType
Returns data for all General Cargo and Container vessels.
Filter by fleet
In legacy Vessels API it was possible to filter only on the general AIS ship_type
values like Tanker or Cargo.
Maritime 2.0 graphQL filters vessels on specific commercial ship types instead – a full list is available under the vesselStaticData
section. If you want to receive the equivalent filter results as were provided in Vessels API then the filters in Maritime 2.0 for Cargo and Tanker are shown below:
Cargo Vessels
Tanker Vessels
Merchant Fleet
Filter by specified lastTimestamp
Unlike the filter lastPositionUpdate
which filters for vessels by the time when a position update was received, the filter lastTimestamp
filters vessels on the message timestamp of any update from AIS static or position messages.
If the lastTimestamp
filter is not specified in a query then it will be set by default to filter out vessels with no AIS message in the last 30 days.
Returns data for all vessels updated after "2022-01-01T00:00:00.00Z"
Error handling
Handling errors in GraphQL is different compare to other API styles in a several aspects:
- GraphQL response is always
- GraphQL errors is just data, it’s not linked to HTTP error statuses and does not inherit HTTP semantics at all
- It’s possible to return query data as well as an array of errors. In this case query data will contain partial results
The successful GraphQL response contains just a data
field with result of the query:
When an error occurs, the GraphQL response will contain an errors
array. In this case data
might be null
or might be an object, but with a complete or partial results, depending on the nature of the error:
For example, the following query contains an invalid cursor value:
…which yields the the following response:
Error format
We use a standard error format for errors, which means that all errors have the same structure.
Let’s explore the error from the previous example:
is thestring
which describes the errorlocations
shows where in the query string document this happenedpath
is an array of paths leading to the field in error from the root of the queryextensions
is an object with any additional metadata about an error such as an error code.
Note that:
- The object
(described above) is not to be confused with the top-level objectextensions
that provides additional useful information about the request itself such asrequestId
- The contents of both
fields may be subject to change in the future releases of GraphQL API.
Standard Error Codes
Spire provides standard error codes similar to the HTTP error codes where each error code indicates a specific class of errors.
- The GraphQL operation string contains a syntax error.
- The GraphQL operation is not valid against the server’s schema.
- The GraphQL operation includes an invalid value for a field argument. Error with this code most commonly occurs:
- Arguments have incorrect type. For example
was submitted as a string instead of an integer. - Validation failed on the value. For example WKT strings contain syntax errors.
- Impossible to perform an operation for given arguments. For example, it is impossible to calculate routes for given arguments.
- Arguments have incorrect type. For example
- The server failed to authenticate a user. For example when the
header doesn’t present in the request. FORBIDDEN
- Query contains a request to the data which is not authorized by the provided token. For example when you are trying to query vessel characteristics but you don’t have access to it.
- Query result didn’t come within the timeout limit.
- This error indicates that request was closed by the calling party on the fly and wasn’t fully completed
- One of our services is temporarily unavailable due to some (network) issues. This error code is analogue of HTTP 503 Service Unavailable code and customers might try to retry in this case.
- The request was rate-limited. This error is added alongside with response in case it was rate-limited by the GraphQL server.
- An unspecified error occurred.
Node: the list of error codes is subject to change in the future releases of GraphQL API. Some codes may be added or removed.
please check the correctness of the GraphQL query. You can easily do it in the playground.UNAUTHENTICATED
please verify your authentication token. Please, check if your token is correct and valid.FORBIDDEN
the query contains access to non-authorized parts of the schema.BAD_USER_INPUT
please check the query arguments. Be sure that argument variables for scalars has correct format.TIMEOUT_ERROR
you may try to retry requestINTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
please communicate it with the query andrequestId
to the Data Operations team for investigation.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS
please adjust the request rate per minute. See rate limiting.
Rate limiting
To prevent DDoS attacks to Spire API and handle load gracefully we implemented query rate limiting using Leaky Bucket Algorithm algorithm.
Each request that goes to is being rate limited according to the available quota:
- If the quota is not yet exceeded, then the response will be returned as soon as it’s processed by the Spire API without any limitations.
- If the quota was already exceeded, the processing of the request will be delayed. When request finally got processed the client will receive response alongside with the
error. - Quota gains back as soon as time goes according to moving time window.
- If the request is waiting for too long in the rate limiter queue it will timeout eventually. In this case client will receive empty response alongside with the
The current request quota is up to 60 requests per minute per token.
We expect our customers wont be affected by the rate limiter unless they are doing a lot of parallel requests with the same token. If you are querying spire API sequentially then you likely won’t be affected by the rate limiter at all.
Each non-rate-limited response will contain a requestQuota
field in the response’s extensions
with data about the remaining quota to allow customers to adjust the request rate before making the next request.
- limit
- textual description of current rate limiter policy.
- remaining
- number of requests per minute left for current quota.
indicates the query was rate-limited.
Rate limiting multi-root queries
Requests with multi-root queries are treated as several independent requests from the rate limiter perspective.
Each root query executed in parallel and represented independent self-sufficient request to our underlying infrastructure.
For example, the following query will be counted as 2 standalone queries:
The rate limiter quota will be decreased by 2
and will look in the following way:
Best practices
Use gZip compression
The Maritime 2.0 API supports gZip compression of the output. Since JSON payload is mostly text, it compresses exceptionally well with gZip.
You can gain up to 20% reduction in payload size using gZip compression in production.
We encourage our clients to send the header alongside with requests:
Query what you need
Unlike REST, where the endpoint defines the resource and the received data, the GraphQL exposes a single endpoint with a global schema where you can query whatever you want.
The ability to define precisely the data you want — and only the data you want — is a powerful advantage over traditional REST API endpoints.
By making focused queries you can focus on data you need and omit unimportant one. If you need just vessel positions, then query for vessel positions and omit everything else. If you need vessel characteristics, then query for vessel positions and omit everything else.
The following example shows the query focused only on getting only positional information about the vessels:
Querying only what you need, along with using gZip compression, could significantly reduce the amount of transferred data and therefore increase the performance.
Setting up an API connection via Python
In this tutorial, we will go through the steps necessary to connect to the Spire Maritime 2.0 API using a sample Python client. With this sample program, you may execute the following queries:
- Return data for all vessels globally
- Return data for a specific MMSI list
- Return data for all vessels in a specified AOI
We recommend using a virtual environment, such as pipenv, when completing this tutorial. Read the instructions to start a Pipenv virtual environment to get started.
Installing the requirements
Once you have the virtual environment running, install the requirements found in the requirements.txt file:
Modify the settings
Next, edit the settings.yaml file to reflect your environment.
Note: all files are assumed to be in the same directory as the program.
Below are descriptions of each variable in the setting file:
- The URL to the service
- Authentication token
- Name of file containing query to execute. Currently there are three: sample_1.txt, sample_2.txt, and sample_3.txt. See descriptions below.
- Name of raw output log. If blank, no log is produced
- Name of csv file. If blank, no file is produced
- Max number of pages to process. A helpful setting for debugging. If set to 0, all pages are processed
There are three sample queries provided in the program that are set in the name_of_gql_query_file
- sample_1.txt
- Returns all available Vessel, Voyage, and PositionUpdates fields for all vessels globally
- sample_2.txt
- Returns all available Vessel, Voyage, and PositionUpdates fields for a specific MMSI list
- sample_3.txt
- Returns all available Vessel, Voyage, and PositionUpdates fields for all vessels in a specified AOI (Indian Ocean)
Important Note – pageInfo
This client requires each query to include a section to request pageInfo
. For example:
Creating a new query
To create a custom query, follow the steps below:
- Create a text file (file with .txt extension) in the same folder that you saved the sample python client files in your Pipenv virtual environment.
- Write a query using the samples as a guide (more information about writing queries). Please review the the important note regarding
above. - Edit the settings.yaml file and add the name of the file you created after
. Example:name_of_gql_query_file: 'my-new_query.txt'
When writing a custom query file, it is important that you do not place any comments or text that does not represent a query in the newly created file.
Run the Program
The program will read the settings.yaml file and execute a query based on the fields listed in the specified file in name_of_gql_query_file
variable. To run the program, execute the following code in the virtual environment.
Virtual environment example:
as the directory containing the Python virtual environmentvessels_v2_graphql
as the directory containing this repository
If you specified the desired name of the CSV file in the name_of_csv_file
variable and/or the name of the output log in the name_of_raw_output_file
variable, these files can be accessed in your directory once the program completes.
All log information for debugging purposes can be found in the file demo_client.log
Congratulations! You have successfully executed your first GraphQL query using the Spire Maritime 2.0 API.
The tutorial code is for demonstation purposes and should not be used in production.
The code is not included in a customer support contract unless explicately documented elsewhere.
Available root queries
- Get static vessel data and some enhanced data
- Get live and historical port events for a vessel
- Get live and historical events for a port
- Given a UNLOCODE, get port latitude, longitude and name
- Given a string such as port name, get the matching port UNLOCODE and other port data
The vessels
root query
The vessels
root query, also called Vessels 2.0, was designed to return only the most recent information provided for each vessel.
It joins the position reports and static voyage reports which are transmitted in separate AIS messages into a single record, making development more efficient, clean, and clear.
Query arguments
All arguments for the vessels
More information about the GraphQL Object Types of the arguments fields can be found below. All fields should resolve to a scalar type.
Further details about all the fields can be found in the Data Dictionary section.
If provided, only vessels with their most recent position being within the area of interest defined by polygon(s) will be returned.
The area of interest is either a GeoJSON object or a WKT string; in either case representing a closed polygon or multiple polygons. It is an error to set both the geoJson
and wkt
fields, or to leave areaOfInterest filter empty.
- Polygon geometry in GeoJSON format only.
- MultiPolygon geometry in GeoJSON format only.
- Geometry in a Well-Known Text format. This can contain either Polygon or Multiple-Polygons.
NOTE: Users whose service is already restricted to a fixed Area of Interest can only filter within the fixed area or a subset of it.
There are 3 TimeRange
filters applicable to the vessels query which each use a TimeRange
as defined below.
The 3 TimeRange
filters are:
which filters on the timestamp of when a position update is record in the API system. Note this is different from the position timestamp which is when the AIS position report is transmitted.lastTimestamp
which filters on the timestamp of the last reported AIS message for a vessel.lastUpdate
which filters on the time when any updated was last made to a vessel.
- Timestamp of the end of the time range (RFC 3339 format); if omitted, the current time is used.
- Timestamp of the beginning of the time range (RFC 3339 format).
If provided, only vessels having their most recent position update time within the provided time range will be returned.
Example use of lastPositionUpdate
: requesting all vessels with position updates since a specified time
Example use of lastPositionUpdate
: requesting all vessels with position updates between specified start and end times
If provided, only vessels having their most recent AIS message timestamp within the provided time range will be returned.
Example use of lastTimestamp
: requesting all vessels where the transmission timestamp of the most recent AIS message is since a specified time
Example use of lastTimestamp
: requesting all vessels where the transmission timestamp of the most recent AIS message is between specified start and end times
If provided, only vessels having their most recent update time within the provided time range will be returned.
Note: lastUpdate
filter is available from 2022-08-30
Example use of lastUpdate
– requesting all vessels with updates since a specified time
Example use of lastUpdate
– requesting all vessels with updates between specified start and end times
Only return vessels having one of the specified vessel types. ShipType
must be specified in all capital letters.
Note: Several shipType
values were only reported in Maritime 2.0 after 2022-08-10 and prior to that they were reported as OTHER
. Most of these types are smaller, non-IMO vessels with types reported by AIS that are not covered by Spire Vessel Characteristics data.
Valid shipType
values are shown below:
- Anti Pollution Vessel
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 CAR_CARRIER
- Car Carrier
- Combination Carrier
- Container
- Dive Vessel
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 DREDGER
- Dredger
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 DRY_BULK
- Dry Bulk Cargo
- Fishing
- Gas Carrier
- General Cargo
- General Tanker
- High Speed Craft
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 LAW_ENFORCEMENT
- Law Enforcement
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 LIVESTOCK
- Livestock Carrier
- LNG Carrier
- Medical Transport
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 MILITARY_OPS
- Military Operations
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 OFFSHORE
- Offshore Vessel
- Other
- Passenger
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 PILOT_VESSEL
- Pilot Vessel
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 PLEASURE_CRAFT
- Pleasure Craft
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 PORT_TENDER
- Port Tender
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 REEFER
- Reefer Cargo
- Roll-on Roll-off Cargo
- Sailing
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 SEARCH_AND_RESCUE
- Search and Rescue
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 SPECIAL_CRAFT
- Special Craft
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 TANKER_CHEMICALS
- Tanker – Chemicals
- Tanker – Crude
- Tanker – Product Tanker
- Tug
- Vehicle/Passenger
Output objects
Combined vessel
, characteristics
, voyage
, and position
All values represent the latest information available on the vessel.
Port matched based on destination
matchScore is the confidence value of the match and ranges between 0 and 1 .
The match with the highest matchScore is returned.
Matched port with the best confidence value.
Port central point.
Latest vessel position update.
Vessel position accuracy flag. The position accuracy flag indicates the accuracy of the fix.
Data source of position update.
Vessel special maneuver indicator.
Navigational Status in an AIS message. See our AIS Fundamentals article on how to interpret navigational statuses.
- 6 : Aground
- 14 : Any of the following are active: AIS-SART (Search and Rescue Transmitter), AIS-MOB (Man Overboard), AIS-EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon)
- 1 : Anchored
- 4 : Ship draught is limiting its movement
- 7 : Engaged in fishing
- 5 : Moored (tied to another object to limit free movement)
- 15 : Undefined (default)
- 2 : Not under command
- 12 : Power-driven vessel pushing ahead/towing alongside
- 11 : Power-driven vessel towing astern
- 9 : Number reserved for modifying reported status of ships carrying dangerous goods/harmful substances/marine pollutants
- 10 : Number reserved for modifying reported status of ships carrying dangerous goods/harmful substances/marine pollutants
- 13 : Reserved for future use
- 3 : Has restricted maneuverability
- 8 : Under way sailing
- 0 : Under way using its engine
Vessel static information.
Vessel AIS class, A or B.
Vessel Dimensions.
type VesselDimensions { a: Int b: Int c: Int d: Int length: Int width: Int }
Note: VesselValidatedStaticData was released in November 2023.
type VesselValidatedStaticData {
imo: IMO
name: String
callSign: String
shipType: ShipType
dimensions: { width: int length: int }
Subtype of the ship and cargo. Valid values are listed below:
- General Cargo: Aggregates Carrier
- Dry Bulk: Aluminium Carrier
- General Cargo: Bitumen Carrier
- Dry Bulk: Bulk/Caustic Soda Carrier (CABU)
- General Tanker: Carbon Dioxide Tanker
- Car Carrier
- Dry Bulk: Cement Carrier
- Dry Bulk: Coal Carrier
- Combination Carrier
- Container
- Dry Bulk: Container Bulk Carrier
- Container: Reefer
- General Cargo: Deck-Cargo
- Dry Bulk: Dry Bulk Carrier
- General Tanker: Effluent Tanker
- Fishing
- General Cargo: Fish Carrier
- General Tanker
- Dry Bulk: Great Lakes Carrier
- Dry Bulk: Gypsum Carrier
- General Cargo: Heavy Lift
- General Cargo: Heavy Lift – Semi Submersible
- Dry Bulk: Limestone Carrier
- Livestock Carrier
- LNG Carrier: LNG Carrier
- General Cargo: Logs
- Dry Bulk: Log Carrier
- Gas Carrier: LPG Carrier
- Dry Bulk: Lumber Carrier
- General Cargo: Miscellaneous
- General Tanker: Molasses Carrier
- General Cargo: Multi-purpose Carrier
- No vessel subtype
- General Cargo: Nuclear Fuel Carrier
- Offshore Vessel
- Dry Bulk: Open Hatch Carrier
- Combination Carrier: Ore/Bulk/Oil Carrier
- Dry Bulk: Ore Carrier
- Combination Carrier: Ore/Oil Carrier
- Other
- General Cargo: Pallet Carrier
- General Tanker: PROBO Tanker
- Reefer Cargo
- General Tanker: Replenishment
- General Cargo: Roll-on Roll-off
- General Cargo: Sea River Type
- Self Discharging
- General Tanker: Slops
- General Cargo: Stone Carrier
- Tanker – Chemicals
- Tanker – Crude
- Tanker – Product Tanker
- Tug
- General Cargo: Tween Decker
- General Tanker: Vegetable Oil Carrier
- Vehicle/Passenger
- General Tanker: Water Carrier
- General Tanker: Wine Carrier
- Dry Bulk: Wood Chip Carrier
- Dry Bulk: Wood Pulp Carrier
Only return vessels having one of the provided vessel types.
must be specified in all capital letters.
Note: Several shipType
values were only reported in Maritime 2.0 after 2022-08-10 and prior to that they were reported as OTHER. Most of these types are smaller, non-IMO vessels with types reported by AIS that are not covered by Spire Vessel Characteristics data.
Valid shipType
values are shown below:
- Anti Pollution Vessel
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 CAR_CARRIER
- Car Carrier
- Combination Carrier
- Container
- Dive Vessel
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 DREDGER
- Dredger
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 DRY_BULK
- Dry Bulk Cargo
- Fishing
- Gas Carrier
- General Cargo
- General Tanker
- High Speed Craft
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 LAW_ENFORCEMENT
- Law Enforcement
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 LIVESTOCK
- Livestock Carrier
- LNG Carrier
- Medical Transport
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 MILITARY_OPS
- Military Operations
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 OFFSHORE
- Offshore Vessel
- Other
- Passenger
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 PILOT_VESSEL
- Pilot Vessel
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 PLEASURE_CRAFT
- Pleasure Craft
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 PORT_TENDER
- Port Tender
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 REEFER
- Reefer Cargo
- Roll-on Roll-off Cargo
- Sailing
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 SEARCH_AND_RESCUE
- Search and Rescue
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 SPECIAL_CRAFT
- Special Craft
- previously reported as
up to 2022-08-30 TANKER_CHEMICALS
- Tanker – Chemicals
- Tanker – Crude
- Tanker – Product Tanker
- Tug
- Vehicle/Passenger
Information about pagination in a connection.
Information about the amount of results in a query. The indicated value might be a lower bound if the total isn’t known when there are too many results.
Validated Static Data
Recognising that AIS messages can sometimes report incorrect or missing information for vessels, Spire Maritime uses its database of researched Vessel Characteristics (VC) information to report what we consider to be validated values for key information.
Validated values are available for a vessel’s name
, imo
, callsign
, width
, length
and shipType
. They are returned from the VC database when we are confident that a vessel can be identified correctly, and included in a new validated section of the staticData
query response. The validated values will often be the same as those reported by the vessel in it’s AIS messages but sometimes will be different, and will be those from the VC database. Note that matching to VC data, and returning of validated values, is only applicable to vessels with IMO numbers and those reporting AIS using class A AIS.
Also, when running API calls that are filtered on a vessel’s imo
, name
or callsign
, if the staticData.validated
data is matched by the parameters of the API call, the entry will be included in the API call results (even if the non-validated data does not match).
One of the most valuable use cases of this feature is the recognition of a vessel’s correct imo
number when either the wrong IMO or no IMO number is being reported by the vessel in its AIS messages.
Below is an example output of a Maritime 2.0 GraphQL vessels
query, correcting the IMO number returned by AIS – the query to obtain this result can be found on the right:
Available fields
- callsign:
- Validated vessel call sign
- callsignTimestamp:
- Timestamp when validated callsign was last updated in Vessel Characteristics
- dimensions:
- Validated vessel dimensions (width and length)
- imo:
- Validated vessel IMO
- name:
- Validate vessel name
- nameTimestamp:
- Timestamp when validated name was last updated in Vessel Characteristics
- shipType:
- Validated vessel ship type
Vessel characteristics
NOTE: Basic characteristics are available to all customers. Extended characteristics are available through an additional licensing.
All Vessel Characteristics data fields and their meanings can be found in the Vessel Characteristics data dictionary and in the Spire Maritime product page for Vessel Characteristics.
Vessel to Port ETA
The Vessel to Port ETA output is provided under the predictedRoute
field and provides information about the predicted next port of a vessel and the expected route it will take, along with the corresponding calculated ETA. The route and ETA is continuously updated to provide the most accurate ETA possible even when a vessel deviates from the expected route, slows down or otherwise changes its expected behaviour.
Vessels are being tracked along the expected route and its progress is being validated every 15 minutes otherwise the route and ETA are recalculated.
Prediction of next port and calculation of routes and ETAs is carried out for vessels of following criteria:
- Only vessels with a valid IMO number are supported
- Underway
- The vessel must be underway to have valid ETA calculation
- shipType
destinationPort: Port!
Predicted destination port
distance: Float
The distance (in NM) from the vessel position to the to the destination port (in nautical miles) at the time of route calculation
duration: TimeDuration!
Route duration
eta: DateTime!
Predicted Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) for the route
waypoints: Waypoints
Waypoints delineating the predicted route of the vessels to the destination port
- geoJson:
- Linestring Geometry in GeoJson format
- wkt:
- Linestring Geometry in WKT format
Data dictionary
Spire Maritime 2.0 API includes the highest-level information about a ship in our vessels database. The information contained here is a combination of data from AIS messages and external data sources. The records within provide an up-to-date snapshot of the ship when possible.
Argument / Output | Field | Type or Object Name | Description |
Argument | after | string | When paging through results, returns the elements in the result set that come after the specified cursor. The value of the after argument can be obtained from pageInfo.endCursor . Read more about cursor-based pagination. |
Argument | areaOfInterest | AreaOfInterest | The area of interest is either a GeoJSON object or a WKT string; in either case representing a closed polygon. It is an error to set both the geoJson and wkt fields, or to set neither. If provided, only vessels with their most recent position being within the area of interest defined by the polygon will be returned. |
Argument | polygon | GeoJsonPolygonInput | Polygon geometry in GeoJSON format. |
Argument | coordinates | GeoJsonPosition | Polygon coordinates in format [[[number, number]...]...] |
Argument | type | String | Must be “Polygon” |
Argument | wkt | String | Represents linestring geometry in Well-Known Text |
Argument / Output | callsign | String | Vessel call sign – Only return vessels having one of the provided call signs. |
Argument | first | Int | Maximum number of records to return. The default is 100 and valid values are 1–1000 . Anything less than 1 is converted to the default. Anything greater than the maximum is converted to the maximum. Due to how matches are collected, the number of records returned may be less than this value even when there are more matches in the total result set. In other words, use only the pageInfo.hasNextPage property in the response metadata to determine whether to fetch more results, do not test whether the number of records returned is less than this value. |
Argument / Output | flag | string | Only return vessels sailing under one of the provided countries. The countries must be provided as ISO 3166 alpha-2 codes. Flag string must be capitalized in argument. |
Argument / Output | imo | Int | Vessel unique International Maritime Organization number |
Argument | lastPositionUpdate | TimeRange | If provided, only vessels having their most recent position update time within the provided time range will be returned. |
Argument | endTime | DateTime | Timestamp of the end of the time range (ISO 8601 format); if omitted, the current time is used. |
Argument | startTime | DateTime | Timestamp of the beginning of the time range (ISO 8601 format). |
Argument / Output | mmsi | Int | Vessel Maritime Mobile Service Identity |
Argument / Output | name | String | Vessel name. When using this as an argument, the vessel name must be an exact match, but it is case insensitive (meaning the name does not have to be in all capital letters). |
Argument / Output | partialNameSearch | Boolean | When using this argument and setting the boolean to TRUE the matching function for the name argument will be altered to match on partial names instead of exact name matches. When setting the value to TRUE only one name can be used in the name argument. The default value of partialNameSearch is set to FALSE |
, Argument / Output | shipType | ShipType | Category of vessel. Only return vessels having one of the provided vessel types. See shipType in the Output section for the ShipType enumeration details. |
Output | nodes | Vessel | Combined vessel, voyage and position object. All values represent the latest information available for the vessel. See this link for more details on the field meanings. |
Output | currentVoyage | Voyage | Latest/current vessel voyage |
Output | id | ID | Spire internal vessel identifier. |
Output | lastPositionUpdate | lastPositionUpdate | Latest vessel position update. |
Output | accuracy | AisAccuracy | Vessel position accuracy flag. The position accuracy flag indicates the accuracy of the fix. |
Output | collectionType | PositionCollectionType | Data source of position update. Three possible values: DYNAMIC, SATELLITE, TERRESTRIAL. |
Output | course | Float | Vessel course |
Output | heading | Float | Vessel directional heading (°) |
Output | latitude | Float | Geographical position – latitude (°) |
Output | longitude | Float | Geographical position – longitude (°) |
Output | maneuver | AisManeuverIndicator | Vessel special maneuver indicator. See maneuver in the Output section for the AisManeuverIndicator enumeration details. |
Output | navigationalStatus | AisNavigationStatus | Navigational Status in an AIS message. See this FAQ for more information: See AisNavigationStatus in the Output section for the AisNavigationStatus enumeration details. |
Output | rot | Float | Vessel rate of turn (°/min) |
Output | speed | Float | Vessel speed (knots) |
Output | timestamp | DateTime | Timestamp of the static or position update (ISO 8601 format). |
Output | updateTimestamp | DateTime | Timestamp of the update being processed (ISO 8601 format). |
Output | staticData | VesselStaticData | Vessel static information. |
Output | aisClass | AisClass | Vessel AIS class, A or B. See AisClass in the Output section for the AisClass enumeration details. |
Output | dimensions | VesselDimensions | Vessel dimensions |
Output | a | Int | Antenna distance to bow (meters) |
Output | b | Int | Antenna distance to stern (meters) |
Output | c | Int | Antenna distance to port (meters) |
Output | d | Int | Antenna distance to starboard (meters) |
Output | length | Int | Vessel length (meters) |
Output | width | Int | Vessel width (meters) |
Output | shipSubType | ShipSubType | Subtype of the ship and cargo. See ShipSubType in the Output section for the ShipSubType enumeration details. |
Output | pageInfo | PageInfo | Information to aid in pagination. |
Output | endCursor | String | When paginating forwards, the cursor continues. This is a cursor pointing to the last element in nodes . Pass this value to after argument to continue pagination on next page. |
Output | hasNextPage | Boolean | The hasNextPage property indicates whether there are more results to paginate through. Use the endCursor to page through the next results. |
Output | totalCount | ResultCount | Indicates how many results match the query. |
Output | relation | ResultCountRelation | Either EQUAL or LOWER_OR_EQUAL |
Output | value | Int | Information about the amount of results in a query. The indicated value might be a lower bound if the total isn’t known when there are too many results. |
Output | destination | String | Reported destination of the vessel as entered by the captain or crew of the vessel |
Output | draught | Float | Vessel draught expressed in 1/10 meters |
Output | eta | DateTime | Estimated time of arrival reported by the vessel as entered by the captain or crew of the vessel |
Vessel characteristics data dictionary
integer- The difference between displacement and the empty vessel (lightweight) at any given draught
- Available in
float- Tons per Centimeter Immersion – how many tons are required to increase the draught by 1cm (useful for trying to estimate the volume of cargo onboard)
- Available in
integer- Tonnage measure of vessels based on the moulded volume of internal spaces
- Available in
integer- Vessel net tonnage
integer- The amount of water (in tons) displaced by the ship.
- Available in
integer- The liquid cubic capacity of the cargo tanks when filled to 98% of capacity
- Available in
integer- Cubic capacity (in cubic meters) of cargo holds for grain (and other loose dry commodities)
- Available in
integer- Twentyfoot Equivalent Unit (measurement of container carrying capacity)
- Available in
integer- No. of holds
- Available in
string- Dimensions of holds
- Available in
integer- No. of hatches
- Available in
string- Dimensions of hatches
- Available in
integer- Fortyfoot Equivalent Unit (capacity of containers of that size)
- Available in
integer- Spare TEU capacity
- Available in
integer- Capacity for containers of 14 tons (measurement of container carrying capacity)
- Available in
integer- Lane meter capacity
- Available in
integer- Car carrying capacity
- Available in
integer- Passenger capacity
- Available in
integer- Cubic meter capacity of the refrigerated cargo space
- Available in
boolean- Indicates if the vessel tanks are coated (Yes/No)
- Available in
boolean- Indicates if the vessel has no lifting gear (Yes/No)
- Available in
boolean- Indicates if the vessel is self-unloading (Yes/No)
- Available in
string- Details of lifting gear
- Available in
float- Safe working load (lifting capacity) of the lifting gear
- Available in
integer- No. of plug-in points for refrigerated containers
- Available in
string- Indicates if single or double hull or bottom
- Available in
float- Distance between the waterline and keel
- Available in
float- Length overall
- Available in
float- Distance from the waterline to highest point on vessel
- Available in
float- Distance from the keel to the manifold
- Available in
float- Depth (from the deck to keel)
- Available in
float- Beam moulded
- Available in
integer- No. of sleeping berths
- Available in
datetime- Date vessel’s name became active (for history of name changes, etc.)
- Available in
integer- Year the vessel was delivered from the shipyard to its owner
- Available in
integer- Year the vessels was broken or lost
- Available in
string- Name of the ship builder
- Available in
string- Hull number assigned by the shipyard
- Available in
string- Registered owner
- Available in
string- Commercial owner
- Available in
integer- Date keel laid (keel laying is when construction of the vessel begins)
- Available in
integer- Launch year (year the vessel was launched from the shipyard for sea trials)
- Available in
integer- Number of main engines
- Available in
string- Engine designer
- Available in
string- Propulsion type code
- Available in
string- Engine design identifier
- Available in
integer- Maximum continuous output in RPM (rotations per minute)
- Available in
integer- Maximum continuous output in KW (kiloWatts)
- Available in
integer- Maximum continuous output in HP (horsepower)
- Available in
integer- Number of propellers
- Available in
string- Propeller type
- Available in
integer- No. of bow thrusters
- Available in
integer- No. of stern thrusters
- Available in
string- The name of the classification society who inspects the vessel and awards statutory certificates
- Available in
string- The name of the secondary classification society who certificates dual classed vessels
- Available in
string- Vessel class details
- Available in
boolean- Indicates if the vessel is ice classed (Yes/No)
- Available in
string- Ice class type
- Available in
string- Details of any certificates issued
- Available in
string- Specific subtype of vessel
- Available in
TradingCategoryCode- Identifies if a vessel is In Service, Dead or Newbuilding
- Available in
TradingStatusCode- Vessel trading status
- Available in
array of VesselFuelBunker- Array containing one or multiple bunker (fuel tank) characteristics. Contains the following information for each available bunker:
integer: Bunker (fuel tank) capacityfuelTypeCode
string: Bunker fuel type. Possible values include:- MGO (Marine gas oil): Roughly equivalent to no. 2 fuel oil, made from distillate only
- MDO (Marine diesel oil): Roughly equivalent to no. 3 fuel oil, a blend of heavy gasoil that may contain very small amounts of black refinery feed stocks, but has a low viscosity up to 12 cSt so it need not be heated for use in internal combustion engines
- IFO (Intermediate fuel oil): Roughly equivalent no. 4 fuel oil, a blend of gasoil and heavy fuel oil, with less gasoil than marine diesel oil
- HFO (Heavy fuel oil): Pure or nearly pure residual oil, roughly equivalent to no. 5 and no. 6 fuel oil
- NSFO (Navy special fuel oil): Another name for no. 5 HFO
- MFO (Marine fuel oil): Another name for no. 6 HFO
string: Bunker fuel unit (e.g. tonnes, litres)tankCount
integer: Number of bunker fuel tanks
- Available in
integer- Sailing range of the vessel assuming full fuel tanks
- Available in
Quickstart kit - vessels
Get started by copying, editing (remove unnecessary fields, change example arguments), and using these Maritime 2.0 request bodies. Each is presented here in fully formatted JSON for legibility; though, this formatting is not required in actual usage.
Port Events
With the Port Events API you can monitor live and historical (going back up to 6th September 2022) vessel arrival and departure times in ports, anchorages, terminals and canals. Port Events are captured for the aforementioned locations and all vessel types.
There are two root queries for port events that can be called. The queries are as follows:
- Get open/closed/all port events for specific vessel, in provided locations and time range
- Get open/closed/all port events in specific location, for provided ships or ship types and time range
- Get open/closed/all port events for a specific shipType, for provided time range or last 24 hours
The GraphQL Playground can be used to navigate the documentation and see the full definition of input and output types.
The portEventsByVessel
root query
The portEventsByVessel
query is able to provide port events for a given vessel. One vessel can be queried at a time and filters can be applied to narrow down the result.
In order to the get the best result for a request, it is recommended to be as specific as possible with the query. The best way to do that is to use any of the available filters if applicable. In the provided example on the right the past events for a set time range for a specific type of location are requested. This would provide a more coherent history of the vessels previous ports by filtering out events from other locations such as anchorage and terminal events with each of the ports.
The portEventsByLocation
root query
The portEventsByLocation
query is able to provide port events for a given location. One location can be queried at a time and filters can be applied to narrow down the result.
For the location query especially, it is recommended to use filters and be as specific as possible in the query to get the desired result. As port events for all vessel and location types are captured it is advisable to use the the shipType filter when querying a location for events of cargo vessels to exclude e.g. pilot vessels, tug boats etc. that might not be of concern. Similarly when querying for all vessels in port the location type should be specified to PORT to exclude all the separate terminal events.
The portEventsByShipType
root query
The portEventsByShipType
query is able to provide port events for a given type of vessels. One shipType can be queried at a time and filters can be applied to narrow down the result.
The shipType query allows broader queries to get events for all ships of a certain type in all ports globally and can be used to track in more frequent intervals all events for e.g. CONTAINER vessels without having to indicate specific vessels or ports in the query. The returned data volumes returned by a portEventsByShipType
query can be significantly larger than for the portEventsByLocation
or portEventsByVessel
and care should therefore be taken when defining a time range in the query. To ensure optimal performance, the maximum allowed time range per query is 24 hours. If no time range is specified in the query, data for the last 24 hours will be returned by default.
Querying multiple locations or vessels
While the above queries allow the request for one location or one vessel each, the power of GraphQL can be used to combine queries and get port events for multiple vessels or locations.
For more detailed information see GraphQL Overview Syntax -> Multiple Root Queries. Using GraphQL fragments can help to keep queries easier to read.
As an example you can query port events for ARA (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp Range) by combining multiple root queries in one request.
In the example the query looks for:
- Port -> NLAMS – Amsterdam
- Port -> NLRTM – Rotterdam
- Port -> BEANR – Antwerp
- Gas/Chemical Tankers
- 10th November 2022
- OPEN – By default all vessels that are currently in port in the ARA range since.
Query arguments
All arguments for the port events queries:
vessel: PortEventsVesselInput
Required when querying portEventsByVessel
When using portEventsByLocation
it can be used as a filter and then needs to be used as an argument called vessels
location: PortEventsLocationsInput
A UNLOCODE is required when querying portEventsByLocation
. All the available location types are listed in the Output Objects section type: PortLocationType
When using portEventsByVessel
it can be used as a filter and then needs to be used as an argument called locations
vessel: PortEventsVesselInput
Required when querying portEventsByShipType
. All the available ship types are listed here
When using portEventsByLocation
it can be used as a filter and then needs to be used as an argument within vessels
state: PortEventStateInput
With state
the query can be narrowed to down to only get events in a certain state OPEN, CLOSED or ALL.
- Get events where a vessel has arrived at a location but not yet departed. This can be used e.g. to get vessels currently at a port.
- Get events where a vessel has arrived at and departed from a location. This can be used e.g. to get past events.
- Get all events, regardless of whether a vessels has departed from the location or not.
Example for querying vessels currently in port in Rotterdam
There are 4 TimeRange
filters applicable to the port events queries which each use a TimeRange
as defined below.
The 4 TimeRange
filters are:
which filters on the timestamp of when a position update is record in the API system. Note this is different from the position timestamp which is when the AIS position report is transmitted.lastUpdate
which filters on the timestamp of the last reported AIS message for a vessel.ataTimeRange
is the Actual Time of Arrival time range. With theataTimeRange
the query can be narrowed down to get events where a vessel arrived within the specified TimeRange.atdTimeRange
is the Actual Time of Departure time range. With theatdTimeRange
the query can be narrowed down to get events where a vessel departed within the specified TimeRange.
- Timestamp of the end of the time range (RFC 3339 format); if omitted, the current time is used.
- Timestamp of the beginning of the time range (RFC 3339 format).
For the portEventsByShipType
query the maximum allowed time range is a duration of 24 hours between start and end date.
Output Objects
Available fields in the PortEvent
- ata:
- Actual time of arrival
- atd:
- Actual time of departure
- draughtAta:
- Vessel’s draught at the time of arrival
- draughtAtd:
- Vessel’s draught at the time of departure
- draughtChange:
- Change in draught
- duration:
- Duration of the port event
- id:
- Port event ID
- location:
- Port event location
- state:
- Port event state – open or closed
- timestamp:
- Time when port event was created
- updateTimestamp:
- Time when port event was last updated
- vessel:
- Vessel info at the moment of the event
Both root queries portEventsByVessel
and portEventsByLocation
return a PortEvent
object. The non-standard objects returned in a PortEvent
are listed below.
location: PortEventLocation
vessel: PortEventVesselInfo
staticData: PortEventVesselStaticData
state: PortEventState
- Port events where a vessel has arrived a location and not yet departed.
- Port events where a vessel has completed its port stay and departed from the location
type: PortLocationType
- Port
- Anchorage
- Container Terminal
- Dry Bulk Terminal
- Gas Terminal
- General Cargo Terminal
- Liquid Bulk Terminal
- Passenger Terminal
- Roll On Roll Off Terminal
- Shipyard
- Canal
Quickstart kit - portEvents
Get started by copying, editing (remove unnecessary fields, change example arguments), and using these Maritime 2.0 request bodies. Each is presented here in fully formatted JSON for legibility; though, this formatting is not required in actual usage.
Port Congestion beta
The Port Congestion GraphQL API is a comprehensive data solution that provides real-time and historical insights into port congestion for the commercial maritime industry. By offering granular and high-level metrics, it helps stakeholders identify bottlenecks, monitor port performance, and optimize maritime operations.
Query arguments
Querying the Port Congestion API requires the use of specific parameters to customize data retrieval. A single mandatory argument (port
) and two optional arguments (vessels
, dateRange
) can be specified to fine-tune your data request.
In the port
query parameter, the desired port can be specified for which port congestion data is required. Ports are identified by the UNLOCODE which are used in line with the UNECE UN Location Codes.
In the vessel
query parameter, the relevant ship type or list of ship types can be specified for which port congestion data is required.
Available ship types are all commercial ship types:
- Supported ship types:
In the dateRange
query parameter, the desired dateRange can be specified for which port congestion data is required. If no date range is provided, data for the last 24 hours will be returned.
Data Structure
The Port Congestion API is structured hierarchically, starting with the ‘portCongestion’ root query. This root provides access to several metrics, such as ‘congestionIndex’ and ‘vesselsInPort’. Within specific metrics, users can explore detailed data objects, for instance, ‘aggregate’ and ‘byTimeInterval’ associated with the ‘vesselsInPort’ metric. These data objects further encompass a range of statistical attributes, ensuring a comprehensive analysis of each metric.
In the below example, the average (mean) number of vessels in port for the requested time frame is returned. See the code example on the right?
Below is the code of the illustrated data structure example on the left:
This returns the data as follows:
Metrics serve as the quantifiable measurements that provide insights into various aspects of port congestion. This section offers a comprehensive breakdown of all available metrics, enabling access and understanding of specific aspects of port operations and shipping behaviours.
- congestionIndex
- A composite metric providing a holistic view of port congestion
- vesselsInPort
- A count of commercial vessels currently located within a specified port’s boundary, available in both historical and real-time data.
- vesselsInAnchorage
- A tally of commercial vessels currently situated in a port’s anchorage areas, indicating the demand for berthing spaces.
- WaitingTimeAtPort
- The duration vessels spend at anchorage before entering the port, differentiated by ship type.
- probabilityOfWaiting
- A ratio indicating the likelihood of a vessel needing to wait in anchorage before docking, derived from comparing vessels having to wait before arrival with direct berthings.
- portTurnaroundTimes
- The time vessels spend within the port’s boundary, broken down by ship type, reflecting port operational efficiency.
The Port Congestion Index is a metric developed to provide a comprehensive view of port congestion levels, with the aim of supporting decision-making and improving operational efficiency. This index aggregates several essential port metrics: Vessels in Port, Vessels in Anchorage, Waiting Time at Port, Probability of Waiting, and Port Turnaround Time. To ensure a consistent representation, each of these metrics is normalized. After normalization, weights are assigned to each metric based on their significance. The weighted metrics are then combined to give a clear picture of port congestion. For ease of interpretation, the resultant data is categorized into a traffic-light style format, facilitating its integration into various systems and platforms.
What is the congestion index for containerships in Rotterdam now?
This returns the data as follows:
The Vessels in Port metric provides a count of commercial vessels currently within a specified port polygon area. This data can be historical or real-time, depending on your query parameters. A high Vessels in Port count could signify maximum port capacity utilisation but could also be a precursor to bottlenecks. For example, a sudden uptick in Vessels in Port numbers may necessitate additional logistical planning to avert delays in offloading or reloading cargo.
How many containerships are in the port of Savannah right now?
This returns the data as follows:
The Vessels in Anchorage (VIA) metric counts the number of commercial vessels currently in a port’s anchorage areas. This is vital for gauging the demand for berthing spaces and the potential backlog that may be forming. In a practical sense, a rise in VIA can flag the need for short-term measures, like prioritizing certain vessels based on cargo urgency or rerouting others to alternate anchorages.
How many containerships are waiting in the anchorage in Savannah?
This returns the data as follows:
The Wait Time at Port (WTP) metric provides an aggregated measurement of how long vessels waited at anchorage before entering the port, and it’s often broken down by ship type. This metric uncovers inefficiencies in the transition from anchorage to port, offering insights for operational improvements. For instance, if WTP for container ships is substantially longer than for other vessel types, it may indicate issues at a terminal or general congestion.
The Probability of Waiting is an essential extension of the Wait Time at Port (WTP) metric. Derived from vessel arrivals, this metric indicates the likelihood that a ship will have to wait in anchorage before being able to dock. It’s a dynamic figure obtained by dividing the number of vessels that had to wait in the anchorage before arrival by the total number of arrivals.
For example, consider a day at Port X focusing on container ships:
Total number of vessels arrived: 57
Number of vessels arriving at port coming from the anchorage: 12
Number of vessels arriving directly at port without anchorage waiting: 45
The Probability of Waiting would be 12/57×100=21%
This metric is invaluable for predicting operational flux and guiding short-term logistical decision-making. For instance, a high Probability of Waiting could inform a decision to reduce speed for an approaching vessel to reduce waiting time.
How long are containerships waiting before berthing in Savannah? And how likely is it that they have to wait?
This returns the data as follows:
The Port Turnaround Time (PTT) measures the length of time a vessel spends inside the port polygon area, usually also disaggregated by ship type. It serves as a key performance indicator for the port; shorter PTT usually suggests more efficient operations. Consider a scenario where bulk carriers have a shorter PTT in one week and then a sudden uptick in the following week. This could indicate issues with loading gears or other operational impacts such as weather or pilot availabilities.
How long are containerships staying in port of Savannah on average?
This returns the data as follows:
Data Objects
The data objects provide a variety of views on the data related to the selected metric. The data can be provided either as the ‘latestValue’ available for a metric or the ‘aggregate’ data available for the selected data range.
The data can also be returned broken down into either ‘byShipType’ or ‘byTimeInterval’.
Providing the latestValue for a given count metric.
- latestValue
- Returns the most recent value for a given metric as an integer
- PortCongestionIndexValue
- Returns the most recent or requested value of the congestion index
What is the congestion index for containerships in Rotterdam now?
This returns the data as follows:
Providing aggregated data for the requested date range.
- If no specific ship types are queried, statistics for all types are returned.
- If specific ship types are selected, the aggregate values for those types are returned.
- DurationMetricStatistics
- Returns aggregated duration statistics
- ValueMetricStatistics
- Returns aggregated count statistics
How many containerships are typically in Singapore?
This returns the data as follows:
Providing results on a per ship type basis for either all ship types or the requested ones in the query.
- PortCongestionCountMetricByShipType
- Returns count metrics, specifically organized by ship type.
- PortCongestionDurationMetricByShipType
- Provides duration metrics, categorized by ship type.
- PortCongestionIndexMetricByShipType
- Delivers the congestion index, segmented by ship type.
What is the highest number of container and dry bulk vessels in Savannah?
This returns the data as follows:
Providing results on a time interval basis meaning the data is returned as time series data for the queried date range giving a value for each day.
- PortCongestionCountMetricByTimeInterval
- Returns count metrics, grouped by a time interval. The default interval is 1 day.
- PortCongestionDurationMetricByTimeInterval
- Offers duration metrics, categorized by the same time interval. The default is 1 day.
- PortCongestionIndexMetricByTimeInterval
- Presents the congestion index, organized by the set time interval.
What is the congestion index for containerships in Rotterdam now?
This returns the data as follows:
Statistical analysis of the collected data allows for a deeper understanding of the port congestion metrics.
- mean
- The mean, or average, is a measure of central tendency in the data set. It’s beneficial for setting baseline expectations. For example, if the mean waiting time at a port is 12 hours, this can be factored into port operational plans and shipping schedules.
- median
- The median is the middle value of the data set and is less sensitive to outliers than the mean. It’s a solid indicator of a ‘typical’ value. If the median waiting time is 9 hours and the mean is 12 hours, it indicates that a few extended waits skew the mean, whereas the median represents a more common wait time.
- deviation
- Deviation quantifies the variability or spread in the data. A low standard deviation in port turnaround times might suggest consistent port operations, essential information for shippers aiming for punctuality.
- iqr
- The interquartile range (IQR) focuses on the middle 50% of the data, pinpointing where most values are concentrated. If the IQR for waiting times is 4 to 7 hours, it implies that the bulk of ships experience wait times within this window.
- min & max
- These metrics display the extremes in the data set. If the minimum and maximum waiting times are 2 and 22 hours, respectively, it hints at the possible range of wait times ships might encounter.
- range
- The range represents the spread of the data by showing the gap between the maximum and minimum values. A range of 20 hours in waiting times underscores the variation in wait times that vessels might face.
- quantiles
- Quantiles divide the data into equal parts, invaluable for risk evaluations or determining operational thresholds. If the first quantile (Q1) for waiting time is 5 hours, it implies that a quarter of vessels wait no longer than this time.
- percentiles
- Percentiles allow for a detailed breakdown of data distribution. For instance, if a vessel’s waiting time exceeds the 85th percentile, it could indicate the need for further analysis or operational adjustments.
- sampleSize
- Sample size conveys the number of data points used in the analysis. A substantial sample size enhances the trustworthiness of the statistics, reinforcing the basis for data-informed decisions.
The deviation, iqr, quantiles, and some percentiles might not be available for small sample sizes.
How many containerships are typically in Singapore?
This returns the data as follows:
The matchedPort
root query
AIS reported destinations are often non-standard, which leads to difficulty in standardizing and obtaining formatted destination UNLOCODES 0r more granular port information.
You can use the matchedPort
root query to try and obtain a normalized port from a non-standard destination text string.
Query arguments
Obtain port information by supplying search text.
is described herematchScore
is the confidence value of the match
The match with the highest matchScore
is returned
The port
root query
You can use the port
root query to obtain more information about a specific port, through a provided specific UNLOCODE.
Query arguments
Obtain port information given a UNLOCODE.
The value for unlocode
must be a valid value or an error will be returned.